Arm stretch

Tak Tik Medical

Do not hesitate to take the first step towards a firm and attractive arm, book your appointment now!

♦ The arm lift operation

The arm lift operation is performed under general anesthesia, where excess skin and adipose tissue are removed in the inner and outer section of the arm, and if necessary, liposuction of the arm can also be done at the same time, the goal of this operation is to improve the external appearance of the arm.

♦ In the process of stretching

In the process of stretching the arms are usually wound along the underside from the armpit to the elbow. Skin incisions are closed with sutures that dissolve on their own over time and subcutaneous tissue is also closed with soluble sutures that dissolve over time.

Then the muscle closes with permanent stitches and falls off on its own.

The patient stays one night

The patient stays one night in the hospital, and it is forbidden to make an effort in the hands in the first weeks. You should also adhere to wearing a corset for the arms.


before and after

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