
Tak Tik Medical

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Liposuction aims to get rid

Liposuction aims to get rid of fat that is difficult to get rid of with diets or exercise, the surgeon pulls the fat from the areas of its collection such as the outer and inner thighs, waist, buttocks, arms, back.

A thin rod is used in this operation

A thin rod is used in this operation, where it is attached to a device that creates negative pressure for suction and pulls the accumulated fat under the of the advantages of liposuction is that it is safe and fast compared to other operations, and its results are immediate and fast.

The liposuctionprocessn

The liposuction process takes from an hour to 3 hours, and this depends on the size of the desired area for liposuction.

The patient stays one day after liposuction and may suffer some blueness in the skin or swelling and pain for several days controlled by painkillers, the patient also needs to wear a special corset after the operation. the patient can return to his normal life a week after the operation.

before and after

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