Hollywood smile

Tak Tik Medical

Get a whiter smile

♦ In the Hollywood smile

very thin veneers (venners)are placed on the front side of the tooth, and they give a change to the color, shape, size and length of the teeth and make them correspond to The Shape of the special tooth, which makes the teeth look better and a nicer color and improves the overall shape of the teeth.


These veneers are made of porcelain, which is a stain-resistant material and its appearance is very natural, and these veneers treat both teeth that have fillings that have lost their color and differed from the rest of the teeth, as well as teeth that have broken or teeth that have been subjected to deviation in shape or size.


♦ The person who wants a Hollywood smile undergoes a diagnosis, dental examination and selection of veneers that suit the case, and the doctor also listens to the person’s requests in terms of color and number of teeth that he wants to beautify. The installation of such veneers also involves a little removal of the tooth surface.


♦ Before the final placement of the veneers, the doctor places them initially to be sure of the color and size, then the doctor cleans the teeth thoroughly before installing the veneers definitively.

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